Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A "Rumple of Paper" Mess

His (non)festive imagination
left no room for cross-examination
a belief he held strong
(and he was never to be wrong)--
the holidays were but a symbol of greed
a "rumple of paper" mess for those (not) in need.

@laurie kolp

Prompt inspiration: 3WW (belief, festive, rumple)


anthonynorth said...

Yes, greed ruins the season. nice one.

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Too true... Christmas is no longer the season of goodwill, merely s reason for "I want!"

Merry Christmas Laurie!

Anna :o]

Unknown said...

We've lost our way and have put to much emphasis on the getting rather than the giving.

Anonymous said...

A thoughful and thought-worthy piece, Laurie.

Tony Noland said...

Christmas would be better for a lot of people if they focused on giving to the needy instead of to the greedy.

MaryA said...

Ditto Tony's comment

Sheilagh Lee said...

Greed can ruin the season but is the man always right? if a few lights and presents one can afford can make one happy who does it hurt and if that then makes one share with others so much the better.

Old Egg said...

The selfishness of man is never so more apparent than in the season it should be banished from our minds.

Maude Lynn said...

Oh, I love this!

Brian Miller said...

ugh...the joy of the holiday gets sucked away if we let it in the undertow of greed...nice write laurie...

The Unknowngnome said...

A nice tight write Laurie. I like your inclusion of the parenthetical thoughts.

Merry Christmas!

Altonian said...

The whole concept of Christmas has 'gone to pot'. We have people in our village who have been celebrating, putting up lights, and generally getting very commercial about Christmas since SEPTEMBER!

Unknown said...

Love the form you used Laurie, and the sparsity of words. Nothing is wasted here, yet the message and intent are quite clear. Well done.

Berowne said...

You're saying mebbe Scrooge knew something? :-)

Wayne Pitchko said...

nice one Laurie....thanks for sharing your words