Monday, May 9, 2011

Magpie Tales Monday

Traffic Lights

Sublime, signals
The peace that calls doves home
Green, notice
Carries tender souls to rest
Yellow, listen
Do you hear them call your name?
Red, stop
Before 'puff' they fly away
Signals, sublime

@laurie kolp

Magpie Tales Monday prompt


anthonynorth said...

And sublime words, too.
Lovely poem.

Jae Rose said...

What a wonderful idea..I hope we can all notice our thoughts when the lights are on green..but there are so many ways to read this poem..especially paired with that fantastic picture..Jae

Sweet Lily said...

Absolutely stunning!
The best of the best!!

Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...

lovely, well conveyed sentiments.

Jingle said...


superb word flow.

Friko said...

A totally mundane image turned into something special.
Very good.

Andreas said...

The peace that calls doves home.

I so love that line!

Maggie said...

Cleverly written. Really lovely, Laurie.

Arian Tejano said...

I love how you shift words instead of repeating them as a line. :)

Anonymous said...

What a clever way to render this ideas. Unique and effective!

Anonymous said...

I thought this was a wonderful piece....and a bit of a friendly warning...don't miss the signals. This was words as art. vb

Brian Miller said...

catch them before they are gone....

Henry Clemmons said...

Creative take, expertly done.

Dave King said...

Says much for the human soul that you could find all that in the prompt. Brilliant.

Anonymous said...

What a great metaphor!

Anonymous said...

calling doves home...i like that! very pretty.

Doctor FTSE said...

What an interesting idea, worked into an interesting poem.

Tess Kincaid said...

I love-love "the peace that calls doves home". Nice.

Unknown said...

I have to tell you, Laurie, I had a terribly irreverent take on your writing. It is so thoughtfully constructed and the imagery, vivid; but here in Tucson, this is often called dove-poofing season because in their mating-haste they often fly into the path of oncoming cars, and "poof!" A flurry of feathers follows.

Laurie Kolp said...

Thanks for the kind comments!

Kim- Oh, my! I had no idea about that. I am anything but irreverent and meant no harm. I am a bird lover and would never intentionally disrespect them.

Unknown said...

It is I who is irreverent, not you. Shame on me! ;-)

Martin said...

Those sublime signals are sent, beautifully, in this poem.

Other Mary said...

What an original take on the prompt! Well done!

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Just lovely Laurie!

Anna :o]

Helena said...

Succinctly sweet - and colourful!

Glenn Buttkus said...

In the spectrum of light passing
through glass, we do not notice
as we respond to the blinking
like automatons, or trained seals,
that green is really aqua blue,
and yellow is tinged with orange,
and red is more magenta than
fire engine blood. Your piece
hums with abstract vibrations,
an artist's perceptions, and
a POV fresh as morning dew.

Laurie Kolp said...

Thank you all! Does it sound corny to say the words simply flowed through me? Well, they did...

Anonymous said...

you rock..

check out short story slam and welcome your submission.

Trellissimo said...

No stop-go here!

Steve Isaak said...

Good, reader-hooking work.