Sunday, October 23, 2011

After (Hours of) Going Nowhere

"Slow down. I'm asking him
for directions since you're too
proud to admit defeat," said
the disgruntled wife, panting

~after (hours of) going nowhere~

a trip to the city nit-picked down
to every last detail, suitcases
packed, tickets hot and wild plans lost
to self-will; she'd finally had enough. 

@laurie kolp

Picture inspiration: Magpie Tales

Prompt inspiration: Kerry at Imaginary Garden with Real Toads asked us to write a puente poem. You can find out more at the site.


Kenia Santos said...

I love the way everyday life gains a poetic tone in your poetry. Great take on both prompts.


anthonynorth said...

Great frustration in this. Very nice write.

Mary Ann Potter said...

Interestingly (and humorously!) reminds me of my parents all those years ago! I enjoyed this so much; what a perfect tone of frustration!

Pete Goulding said...

I suspect this stems from a real life incident! Buy a Sat-nav! The arguments are now about how closely we should follow it or not but at least it gets us there in the end.
Love the humour inherent in this...

Roy Schulze said...

Probably after *years* of going nowhere, but you do capture how we try and try and try right up until the breaking point. My Magpie Tales this week is In Vince’s Car.

Unknown said...

You've definitely captured the feeling of frustration!

Laurie Kolp said...

Thanks everyone.

Roy- You delved deeper and are getting closer to the true meaning of this poem.

Mary said...

Yes, I can definitely see that this poem can be interpretted on two levels. Some relationships go nowhere indeed. But then again, I can empathize with driving around and not finding the right way. (me before GPS...LOL)

Maggie said...

I felt the frustration just reading this. So familiar. : )

JJ Roa Rodriguez said...

smart take on the prompt.

have a great week ahead!


Jinksy said...

Oh, the frustration of many journeys is wrapped in these words! LOL

Anonymous said...

agree with kenia. you have a way of pointing the spotlight on everyday occurrences so that they shine with meaning.
great take on the prompt!

Kerry O'Connor said...

Been there, done that... also had enough!

Berowne said...

"Hours of going nowhere" -- we've all been there. :-)

Scarlet said...

Yes, been there too. So frustrating.

Happy Monday ~

Brian Miller said...

oh, i hope i am not that guy...though i know i have been...smiles.

Lyn said...

Time to go home...there's always next year...terrific take!!

Chronicles of Illusions said...

I've known that guy - the one who pushes you past breaking but has no understanding of how THAT happened - love it Laurie

Margaret said...

...I just want to give her a hug... poor woman.

Tumblewords: said...

A finely tuned piece! There are miles of sights under those words.

Helen said...

Oh yes ... I have experienced a few of those 'hours.' Nice write!!

Tess Kincaid said...

Oh yeah...great write...

Kristen Haskell said...

I've lived that and all I can say now is thank God for GSP.

Lolamouse said...

Classic battle of the sexes! I know the frustration. I can see the smoke coming out of her ears in your poem!

Susie Clevenger said...

Ah can bring out the best and the worst in us...good job on the prompt!

Dave King said...

This is a really great response to the prompt. I wish I hadn't seen it, though, for I was going to have a go at it myself. I rather fancy yours may be too difficult to forget!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh...could'nt have been better!

Lillian Susan Thomas said...

well written. a travel-weary response to be sure. Makes you want to never leave homw! lol

Mystic_Mom said...

Been there! Great poem!

kaykuala said...

Yes Laurie, you are not alone! City driving is exasperating!


Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

been there, done that.

you are smart in doing this.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

been there, done that.

you are smart in doing this.

Caddoc Trellis said...

Relationships as well as words sometimes go nowhere...