Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 23: Form poem

by Laurie Kolp

I am but a wave in the sea of life.
I am but a wave in the sea of life.
My consistency changes like the tide.
My consistency changes like the tide.
But life changes like a wave in the sea,
Of the tide, I am my consistency.

You are the current that pulls me beneath.
You are the current that pulls me beneath.
Drowning ripples torment my destiny.
Drowning ripples torment my destiny.
Beneath the ripples, you are my current.
That drowning destiny pulls me; torment.

Together we will surf the ocean vast.
Together we will surf the ocean vast.
At last Poseidon gains grave company.
At last Poseidon gains grave company.
The grave ocean we surf together vast,
Poseidon will gain company at last.

The drowning sea beneath my current life,
Changes me like the ripples that you are
A wave of consistency, we surf the tide
Together at last, my destiny,
But the ocean torment I am in pulls vast.
Grave company Poseidon will gain.

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