Sunday, March 4, 2012

Imagination Catching Wind

The woolly bear caterpillar caught her unaware
in the white kitchen, metal crashed
a scream with the fullness of a stuck pig
resonated through the neighborhood.
When I returned from my daily walk
my coatless daughter waited outside
with a warning that I shouldn’t enter.
Admonishing her Miss Muffet-ness
and with shoulders back and standing tall
I marched right in just like a penguin,
her shadow followed on my tail
wind the remnants of despair
this fake eyebrow remnant
Part of an image by Sarolta Ban

@laurie kolp

Prompt inspirations:
(coatless, white, metal, shadow, kitchen,
returned, prefers, unaware, admonish,
fullness, daughter, woolly)
 The Mag


annell4 said...

Like a fairy tale. I like it!

Mary B. Mansfield said...

I can so see myself in this! I am such a baby when it comes to creepy crawlies of all kinds. A well put together wordle!

gautami tripathy said...

Such a different take..


teri said...

This brought a smile to my face. I can remember my own fear of many of Gods smaller creatures. That disappeared with children and age. I learned I had to be the brave one. And while I can deal with penny size bugs, I still have an issue with spiders and anything larger than a quarter. Maybe I ought to have a sign on all points of bugs allowed.

brenda w said...

hee hee! LIKE! This is awesome, Laurie. You brought the scene to life, and I love "a scream with the fullness of a stuck pig..."

S.E.Ingraham said...

I love this - such a different take from what occurred to me ... esp the woolly caterpillar and the whole fairytale feel to it ... nicely done.

Anonymous said...

I love the way this one sounds: hard, brittle, click-clack, strong. Another impressive piece, Laurie. Loved the caterpillar. :)


Anonymous said...

I love the way this one sounds: hard, brittle, click-clack, strong. Another impressive piece, Laurie. Loved the caterpillar. :)


Brian Miller said...

smiles....this has a rather alice in wonderland surreal-ness to it...the way you used words def accentuate that feel...

Peggy said...

I love all the different directions people go with these wordles!! And what a delightful slice of life you have painted here. I always enjoy your blog.

Sasha A. Palmer said...

Just act brave and pray the child doesn't notice how scared you actually are! :-) Very true!

izzy said...

Enjoyed the scene,not sure I made the Mag connection but that's ok!

Mimi Foxmorton said...

Love, LOVE that you did the eyebrow!!!!!!! :)

Scarlet said...

What a creative take on the picture...I am scared of caterpillars too ~ But I had to laugh at the fake eyebrow remnant disguised :-)

Vicki said...

I loved to play with wooly worms when I was a child! Who thought they would make a good eyebrow? Your words are so imaginative.

Unknown said...

Way better eye beautification tips here than Maybelline offers up. I loved the turning of events through out, including the attitudinal input from the teenager. Well done,Laurie. Thanks.

Paula Wanken said...

:) ...Miss Muffet-ness! Love it!

Mary said...

I loved picturing you walking in like a penguin!! Quite a picture!

Benjamin Thomas said...

Hi Laurie! I love your first line "The woolly bear caterpillar caught her unaware
in the white kitchen".

I think woolly is one of my new favorite words now. Lol!

Marianne said...

I loved "Miss Muffet-ness" and "this fake eyebrow remnant." You've used the words well!

Lady In Read said...

loved your take on this! :) if i had read this before i started working on mine, i am sure it would have had a major influence on mine..

Dave King said...

Oh, superb, simply superb!

Wander said...



Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I needed to read this several times to make sense of it... But that is in no way a bad thing, rather that my mind is not cultural enough at this time on a Monday! Nice write!

Maude Lynn said...

This is so creative! I love it!

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Such a clever take - love it!

Anna :o]

Mark Windham said...

LOL, love it. My daughter that used to collect every creature she could find has just crossed over to 'aahhhh! There is an ant on the couch!" Pre-teen here we come.

Becky Sain said...

This was very mystically creative -- love it Laurie. Your take on the photo is great!

Berowne said...

Well thought-out little story - thanks.

Jae Rose said...

That is one big caterpillar..I love this modern nursery rhyme..frying pans are great for shooing big bugs! jae

Other Mary said...

hahaha - that's one helluva' eyebrow! Good one!

Jinksy said...

Brilliant- those eyebrows did look fake, but I never thought of a caterpillar! LOL

Susan Anderson said...

This one tickled me.


Jules said...

Guess your character would not have been too happy at my home a few summers ago - my son and I rescued a few monarch eggs, and caterpillars - fed them and watched them grow in a butterfly house! But then I can deal with most buggies. :)

ds said...

Great story, and a very creative take on the Mag prompt. Well done, Laurie, and thank you!

ds said...

Oh, and I like the way you cropped the picture, too...

RD said...

now that...I didn't see coming :-)

interesting bisection of the image, I was absorbed by the whole and you saw a story in a fractional view

Nicely done

Peace ☮

Anonymous said...

wonderful, Laurie! i had no idea when reading it that so many words were prompt words!

Little Nell said...

To focus on the eyebrow must be unique among us taking up the challenge this week. I really enjoyed this.

Tess Kincaid said...

Caterpillar brow!

Tumblewords: said...

Wow! Great - so very creative!

Janet Martin said...

Two challenges nailed wonderfully! H-m-m-m, I have a feeling I'll think of you the next time I see a fuzzy-wuzzy black caterpillar:)

Rinkly Rimes said...

A clever linkage!

De Jackson said...

What fun! Love how you used only part of the photo offered. Excellent.

Anonymous said...

If this isn't a true story, it should be :)