Sunday, March 18, 2012

An Extreme Theory

image: Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison

The mad scientist theorized
set out to prove
global warming reversible
with one Herculean move

of digging up the earth
installing cogwheels within
which after years of toil
landed him in the loony bin.

@laurie kolp

Inspiration: The Mag

* You are invited to Flashy Fiction where I have an excerpt for you to insert!*


Jim Calcutt said...

Very witty take, Laurie!

R. Burnett Baker said...

This gave me a laugh! I did the global warming take too! It's my not so humble opinion that they're all ready for the loony bin!


JJ Roa Rodriguez said...

Guess this is connected to my interconnected take.. Love it!

Have a great week ahead...


Daydreamertoo said...

Ic ould well be that way too, couldn't it !! LOL
Made me smile :)

Susan Anderson said...


These are some great responses to the prompt today, and yours is wry and wonderful.


Helen said...

Far Out!

Love this .......

Tess Kincaid said...

Oh yeah...I like the Herculean reference...nice...

Unknown said...

My only hope is that the loony bin was a green, recycling sort of loony bin. Great write Laurie. Thanks for sharing.

Karen said...

A great write. Wouldn't it be super if the mad scientist actually had the answer .

Laurel's Quill said...

This makes more sense to me than any of the theories of the scientists that I am growing so tired of hearing. I like the analogy very much. Laurel

Anonymous said...

very pc/environmentally correct :)

angular acceleration

Brian Miller said...

hehe...of course it was the corporations that paid his way in..that way he would meddle no more...


The best outside-the-box ideas do make us look crazy, don't they? :)

Kathe W. said...

this was fun!

Kay said...

if only haha!! great take...x

Mary said...

Laurie, this made me smile!

cosmos cami said...

Absolutely loved this, Laurie! Great wording, rhythm and finish.

Mystic_Mom said...

Clever and fun, and sadly too true! :-)

kaykuala said...

Loonies turn the wheels and make the world go round! Great verse Laurie!


Tumblewords: said...

A method to his madness, I'm sure. Great piece!

Rinkly Rimes said...

Maybe his methods will be proved right in years to come.

izzy said...

glad he put his energies
to good use! thanks

Helena said...

I thought it was money that makes the world go round, but I'd rather it was loonies! Fun Mag, indeed!

Kristen Haskell said...

Completely enjoyed this!

Carrie Van Horn said...

Love it!!!! :-)

Maggie said...

A terrific ending. LOL.

Ginny Brannan said...

Hah, if were only that 'easy'!! Clever take.

C.M. Jackson said...

Loved it!

Jinksy said...

I've got my place booked in there, too! Hehehe!

Dave King said...

Shame! I thought he was on the right lines. Love it.

Silent Otto said...

Reason trying to fix problems produced by reason using more reason !.

James said...

Good one. I like the desperation this implies... a last resort, hopeless attempt to fix the problem.

S.E.Ingraham said...

ahahahaha - this appeals to me on sooooo many levels as I'm sure you can appreciate ... good one Laurie!

ds said...

Ha ha! Very clever take. I love it. Thank you.