Thursday, March 15, 2012

Dress Up

Feel the wispy barbs as they
Ease across your tender
Arm like a make-up brush
Teasing little girls who
Hope they won't get caught
Emulating models with cheeks as
Red as a cardinal

@laurie kolp

Prompt inspiration: Poets United Thursday Think Tank- Feather


booguloo said...

Thanks for the first morning smile.

Karen said...

Lovely Laurie! An appropriate read for my day, as my granddaughter is with me and she's playing dress-up!

Brian Miller said...

nice the feel of a feather on the skin...and the playfulness there in the end as well...

Mark Windham said...

:-) My youngest is pretty much out of the dress up stage (just make up now), but I can remember finding red and purple fake boa feathers all over the house.

nara malone said...

I could feel those bristles on my skin and see that blush. Excellent!

Ella said...

Laurie, this is magical! I love each line and the end took my breath away! :D I love your poem...going to read it again~

Mystic_Mom said...

Laurie - you are clever! So nice and smart...gave me a smile when I needed it most.

Anonymous said...


Sherry Blue Sky said...

"cheeks as red as a cardinal". Lovely! Hey, have I only just now noticed the changed look of your blog? I love your header looks great in here!

Tarang Sinha said...

Nice acrostic:)

rch said...

This is great, really good content, fantastic closing image and an acrostic to boot!