Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Sunshine

Solar flare
illuminates the room
every time I see your vibrant smile

shining forth
this aureole of you
burning with desire my aching heart

ever since
your light refused to reach
the depths of my darkened soul. I long

to see your
rays beaming once again
illuminating the room with cheer.

@laurie kolp

Prompt inspirations:
Poets United Thursday Think Tank- Light
Poetic Bloomings- Form: Parallelogram de Crystalline


Ella said...

I love the impact of your illuminated words
Gorgeous and so filled with soul
Wow you really dida wonderful job
With the prompt

Unknown said...

One's love does have a way of lighting up a room!

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Very deep, and so poignant.The longing for the withheld light.

Daydreamertoo said...

Lovely ! :)

Eileen T O'Neill ..... said...


I love this poem for both the sadness and the passion.


Unknown said...

This is one of the most pleasing and lyrical forms. You did it justice, laurie. Warm, open, honest, light.

Anonymous said...

Very cool

Mary said...

So well expressed, Laurie. Brava!!

Brian Miller said... being around those that def light up the room...and those that light up my life...

J Cosmo Newbery said...

Heartfelt and dripping with longing!

Dave King said...

Very much I go for this. It resonated with me throughout.

Brother Ollie said...

That is a good wish indeed.

Anonymous said...

gorgeous and spiritual.

Ed Pilolla said...

what a tremendous element of yearning you have splashed into this piece about light. really well done.

rch said...

I like the use of light here to illuminate the depths of regret, excellent Laurie!

Lolamouse said...

It is, indeed, heartbreaking when someone's light won't reach us. This was beautifully done.

teri said...

The longing that lingers- wishing you well.