Friday, September 7, 2012

No more covering up behind blonde hair

Me, au natural- 9-7-12

Yesterday, I said goodbye to my last bit of blonde. I can't believe I did it, but I have finally gone back to my roots. It's taken me two years to get here and it hasn't always been easy with the two-tone hair color (which, thank goodness, is in style now) and the ponytail/baseball cap look (which is also in), but at last I've reached my goal. How does someone who has been blonde all of her life face the fact that she just isn't anymore? And on top of that, how does someone come to grips with those unwanted strays starting to pop up? I know I've earned them, but really? Those gray hairs are like spirals in an overused notebook- sticking up and out of control, forever reminding you they are there. Now if I have a piece of hair tickling my face or stuck in my eyelashes, I have to check if it's gray or not, because if it isn't I can't afford to pull it out. Anyway, I digress.

On June 21, 2010, I first told you about how damaged my hair was after I had started highlighting it myself (what a laugh... I was bleaching it with the "more-is-better" mentality I've battled my entire life). I didn't know what color to use at first, so my hair turned out a little like melted Neapolitan ice cream. When the next time rolled around, which was probably sooner than it should have been, I chose a lighter blonde color. With each botched-up box job, I became more daring until my hair turned almost white. I'm not sure if you remember, but I woke up one morning with a chunk of my hair missing. Had the hair fairy come in the night? I couldn't understand it. I knew I'd hit bottom. Something had to change.

Me, 2010- Covering up behind blonde hair
So I made a vow to stop coloring my hair. After all, I was sick of the upkeep. In fact, I was sick and tired of everything superficial in my life. I decided to make a fresh start, to learn to love myself for who I was on the inside, not for some image the mirror reflected in front of me.

It's taken a lot of work and I'm by no means finished, but better off than I used to be. Now all I have to do is avoid looking in the mirror and I'm just fine, thank you very much.


Susan said...

Oh, your hair is my hair color! I have brown eyes to match, but I can see on you that there is kind of a flirty contrast with Hazel Green eyes. I use a Henna shampoo and conditioner which brings out the highlights. Also, I've noted that exposure to the sun brings back some of the blondness I had until my teens. Oh--one more thing--If you put "beauty with brown hair" in google some of the images are amazing.

Good luck with the transition, Laurie. I am not sure it is necessary, but if you have the support of all in your family, god luck.

The Bug said...

I think your color looks good - and actually it complements your features more than the blonde did.

This is ironic because I am planning on coloring my hair this weekend - some sort of reddish color this time I think. I would like to just quit messing with it but I don't think I can stand the two-tone hair. And mine is pretty long right now. I keep threatening to get a pixie cut & go all Jamie Lee Curtis (I don't have QUITE that much gray, but close). Ha!

Nancy said...

You look great either way! By the way, as they gain a majority, the gray ones aren't as bristly!

Laurie Kolp said...

Thanks. I decided not to say a word to my family to see if they could tell. My hair was only a couple inches shorter and not in a ponytail, but I still had to ask them if they noticed anything different before they said anything. Maybe they weren't sure if I liked it or not. They're very supportive no matter what my hair looks like though.

Patricia Anne McGoldrick said...

Go Laurie! What a brave tale to share!

Just ending my fifth decade with my naturally medium brown hair but each time I get a hair cut, there are a few more grey strands, giving an illusion of highlights. ;)
It is almost poetic!

Laurie Kolp said...

Soon enough the (silver) highlights will be natural.

Buddah Moskowitz said...

You get points for your honest anecdote.

OK, I'll be the first man to contribute: your natural hair looks beautiful. Stop trying to improve upon God's handiwork.


Buddah Moskowitz said...

BTW - I only know your insides vis-a vis your poetry, but I can tell you're beautiful inside too. - Mosk

Laurie Kolp said...

Thank you kindly, Mosk. You made my day!!

teri said...

An you look lovely! I like the spiral notebook style gray hairs... s though they feel the need to cheer.

I was over on the other blog looking for your wordle. Lots of great writing (as usual) but i not find it. So I came to visit here, so glad I did. xo teri

aprille said...

Love the bravery of this and the real you in soul and looks that is now visible.

Mary said...

I do like the idea of loving yourself for the person you are on the inside, not for some mirror image. I liked your hair both colors though...the inside person is still the same!

Hannah said...

I tend to agree with Mosk...Laurie....your natural color is beautiful and just the color God picked for YOU!! But I know you know that and I gather that is a big part of your decision. SO proud of you for sticking out the hard part in waiting. I've never used chemical dye but they have a natural henna dye it is a great conditioner and one can pick the color close to their own and it brings out the natural highlights more. Just thought I'd mention...and it lasts six weeks I think... :)