Sunday, May 27, 2012

Royal(ty) Rendezvous

House At Dusk, 1935, Edward Hopper

Ramble down the accordian path
past the window where I sit
past the lamppost
past the House of Hopper.
Perambulate into the woods, wait
past dusk, my love. I'll meet you there.
A plethora of pleasure will come.

©laurie kolp

Picture inspiration: The Mag 119
Linked to IGWRT Open Link Monday


Brian Miller said...

well who could resist a plethora of pleasure....smiles....perambulate, wow you have such nice words laurie....

rosemary mint said...

What a not-so-nice but delightful ending. :)

Unknown said...

I love the purposeful plan you've created. May all your pleasures evolve. Lovely, Laurie. =D Thanks.

Kathe W. said...

very clever twist on the image

gautami tripathy said...

Loved that last line!


Tumblewords: said...

A pleasurable plan - I know it will work! :)

Little Nell said...

Nice repetition and rhyme. Someone can look forward to being loved to death I think!

anthonynorth said...

Beautiful, seductive words.

Cathy said...

I like where this one is going! :)

Dave King said...

Like this. It's spare and lean. Hopper would have liked it too.

Daydreamertoo said...

What an invitation :)

izzy said...

I debated about the path, I am glad you used it! Nice- thanks.

Jae Rose said...

This one sings..the p's and r's reverberating like an hurried footsteps..on that path..Jae

Silent Otto said...

I often feel love at dusk, thanks, Laurie, good one.

Anonymous said...

very good, loved the past/future contrast with 'past' throughout ending with what will come.

Anonymous said...

very good, loved the past/future contrast with 'past' throughout ending with what will come.

Unknown said...

Nice use of alliteration, too.

Kerry O'Connor said...

How beautiful is this? It has the feel of a moment in a classical novel.

Helen said...

William and Kate come to mind .. I like this!!

Sherry Blue Sky said...

"a plethora of pleasure". Cool!

Mary B. Mansfield said...

Love the alliteration in this piece! Sounds like a wonderful walk to be on.

Lolamouse said...

Nice alliteration but naughty thoughts! Love it!

Unknown said...

I hope she waited

Laura said...

love the phrase "Ramble down the accordian path..." love can be a bumpy road.

Scarlet said...

I like the last line a lot ~

Happy day to you ~

Hannah said...

Loving your "p," alliteration and your take on that picture so fun!!

Susie Clevenger said...

A plethora of pleasure...what a promise. Great work!

Maude Lynn said...


Herotomost said...

Any poem that has the word perambulate and it doesn't get in the way ahas to be an Awesome poem!!!!! Perfectly done. Had the royal naughtiness sewn right in.

Berowne said...

I've never perambulated into the woods, but you have made me eager to try...

Tess Kincaid said...

I especially like the accordion path...

Jinksy said...

Promises, promises...

Mystic_Mom said...

How very formal and royal...nicely done!

shawnacy said...

love the list of things the lover is to pass: lampposts, hopper house, dusk...
the things we must walk through to reach the beloved.

Carrie Van Horn said...

This is a wonderful capture in words of the picture Laurie! Beautiful writing! :-)