Wednesday, February 19, 2014

True Olympians Remain Leaders

I feel for the Olympians.
From the opening ceremony
to the medal display,
their excitement
is mine.

I feel for the Olympians.
Each half-pipe flip or bobsled run
sits me on the couch's edge,
my adrenaline pumps
in overtime.

I feel for the Olympians.
My spirits glide over the ice
with skaters single and paired,
then slide to the floor
when they fall.

I feel for the Olympians.
They're all winners to me
and the world, role models
for kids. Leaders, achievers
having a ball.

I just wish they'd
keep their clothes on
when they're done.


Poetic Inspiration~
Poetry Jam: Olympian
PU Mid-Week Motif: Leaders/Leadership

Sunday, February 16, 2014

On a Dare

Universal Studios Lot, Instagram by sessepien, The Mag207

Robert once lived
in an apartment
one story below
his bicycle shop,
walked up and
down steep stairs
three times a day.
As the story goes,
he died on a dare
while riding his bike
up the slope, backward
flipped through the air
and landed head first
in a garbage truck,
his derriere a moon
ripping him buff.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What do you see...

unkempt beds
filled with weeds
cruel and obtrusive,
ghastly eyesores
in need of upkeep


flowerbeds over-
flowing with dandelions
as hearts to pick
and make a wish
for Valentine's Day?


Poetry Jam~ Dandelion
PU Midweek Motif~ Heart
3WW~ cruel, ghastly, unkempt

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Backwards Time

Mother's Day 2013

Through my years of rogue-like wandering
a circuitous path, the ins and outs and ups and downs
at times defiant as a two-year-old,
you remained passive with undying love.

And now you're dying.

I wonder if you know    I know
you stood beside me, a whisper in my heart?
That as a mother you excelled?

I'd like to accelerate backwards time, go back 
and send daily praises to your side, thank you
for mothering me, for instilling family values--

blood a thread of life forever tied to piano keys,
your tender melody woven in my mind.

Today I'll sing your lively tune.


Today's Inspiration:
Poetry Jam~ Tribute
3WW~ accelerate, passive, rogue
PU Mid-Week Motif~ Love (in 14 lines)