Saturday, May 23, 2009

My Cardinal at the Zoo

While I was at the zoo with Nicholas, I kept thinking about Mary a lot, for some reason. Maybe because this reminded me of something she would have loved to do with her kids. Nicholas and I walked around with a small group, and a grandfather was the ring leader. He had us moving along quickly so we wouldn't waste time or miss out on anything. I was tagging along quietly, taking pictures and watching out for Nicholas when suddenly I spotted a beautiful bright red cardinal. It was not part of the zoo exhibit. This bird was just there. I knew exactly what was happening and said a prayer of thanks, while I quickly fumbled for my camera. I followed this bird around and took several pictures (I hope they show up okay on the blog- can you find the cardinal in each one?), then I realized that my group had left me. But I did not panic and two young girls appeared who worked for the zoo. They were ready to get me back with my group, but one of the moms came looking for me, so they did not have to. Thank you, Jesus. Anyway, this was such a delightful experience on my zoo trip: seeing a cardinal to reassure me that God is with me, and Mary is with Him, and we are all in this together.

1 comment:

Jeni said...

Oh my goodness Laurie... that is so beautiful!! I love you cardinal experiences. They are so special and meaningful. How sweet they are. They are truly signs from our Mary. I still have em too ;). Kerri had a beautiful cardinal story too that she shared with me in one of her comments. i think I will blog it. I haven't talked to you in while. i miss you. xoxo, Jeni