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Become the thunder
you want to hear
The light when all
around is dark,A throttlehold of fear
Dig deeper than
your childhood dreams
When you vowed to
reach your goalsBefore excuses joined as one
Umbrella meshed with coal
Let the shifts
shape you
Away from
inherited beliefsStand still as wings lift you,
A destination unique
Become the thunder
you want to hear
The light when all
around is dark,An upward channel, clear
Picture prompt courtesy of The Mag 139
Prompt inpisration: The Sunday Whirl 78- umbrella, deeper, inherit, excuses, stand, become, thunder, childhood, joined, vowed, shifts, light
Such a great poem! I love "Become the thunder you want to hear".
Very nicely wordled, Laurie. I have to agree with Robyn. I like the same line and its repetition at the end of the poem. I also like the idea of standing still as wings lift you.
Yes, become what we are meant to be, not what someone else thinks we ought to be.
Powerful in its truth Laurie. I like all of this but also like the same line very much too. :)
Oh, I love these:
"Become the thunder you want to hear"
"Umbrella meshed with coal"
Good one ... a really motivating piece !!!
this one is to treasure ....such energy and inspiration here...thank you for sharing such a poem.
I love your opening and closing stanza also!
Goosebumps of empowerment from this, Laurie...especially the lines you repeat, (so glad you did!), so very good!!! :)
Well done Laurie!
This one stands up and sings Laurie. Love the reflexive in the last stanza that draws the reader right back to the beginning. Wonderful writing,
become the thunder you want to hear....love the inspiration in this laurie....giving us control back of our lives...and not just a helpless victim...
I accept your invitation: "Become the thunder..."
Thank you!
Whirling with Robinson Jeffers
Excellent, powerful words.
The repetition of the first line, reads like a lovely echo. This is beautiful writing, Laurie.
Encouraging words. Powerful.
really lovely and i adore the last verse...xx
Such an empowering piece - super motivating!
The opening line grabs attention. I also like "let the shifts shape you/Away from inherited beliefs".
I love the drama of thunder...yes...become it!
I like the repetition of becoming the thunder you want to hear ~ Nice one Laurie ~
yes! Become the thunder- this is great!
Very inspirational Laurie. I think the repetition works well to add emphasis.
Good use of words - compact and a relevent theme.
"Become the thunder you want to hear"., Laurie, I love that. Nice clear strong voice in the message. Well done.
So beautiful, Laurie! I loved the opening line and thought immediately it was going to be my favorite. However, upon reading and rereading, every line is perfect. I think this is my favorite of yours. Gorgeous!
Laurie I love your poem. I had a very simple and materialistic take on the cabin. You took it further with a spiritual response.
What a great job of blending the prompts Laurie ... this is wonderful. I think the slight repetition gives the poem real power - I just love the idea of being the thunder that you want to hear ...
I am trying hard to "Become the thunder" I love it!
A wonderful wordle poem,and the third stanza is sublime.
Great advice!
Really great ! quite the song.
Oddly I was wondering if there
was a smattering of starlight in this picture- and you brought thunder!
I love the sound of the words in this as it is read aloud, it all comes together so well. Also the phrasing, as in: "Let the shifts shape you" Nicely penned, Laurie!
Great inspirational piece. That is a strong opening line! Solid.
I liked the warning in the second stanza. How often have those excuses got in the way of our dreams. Sound advice here, if only we can follow.
poetry with wings... yes, that's it...
another wonderful piece!
I think it was Jung said, " in order to get to the light we must first enter the darkness" , thanks
Such a wonderful message beautifully told Laurie!!!
"let the shifts shape you." Perfect string of words and wonderful writing.
Very powerful, Laurie! I love the repetition of: "Become the thunder you want to hear."
It's an exciting process, and you've captured it well.
I love the way you put words together. This is really nice. "throttlehold of fear" and "umbrella meshed with coal" -- I love how you do this.
Stellar piece - the right words, the right flow, the right images. Stellar!
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