Wednesday, June 5, 2013


I remember a college trip
to the beach one Spring Break.

Your ego went unnoticed
with each swallow of beer
damaging my tolerance
for sunburned feet,

each legitimate kiss drowned
in a body surf sweep of fear

that you might find
someone else
more attractive.


Poetic Inspiration~
Poetry Jam- It's Vacation Time
3WW- damaging, ego, legitimate
PU Verse First- I Remember


Exciting news! I have signed a contract with Winter Goose Publishing for the publication of my first book of poetry. Click here to learn more.



Brian Miller said...

congrats on the book laurie...i am excited to have you on my shelf...oy, a college summer in ocean city....getting some flashbacks now....what a wild summer...but dont know that i would live it again...

Laurie Kolp said...

Thanks, Brian. I definitely would NOT want to go back either...

Nanka said...

Congratulations on the book!!
A tall story told in so few words!! Good impact!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, feel the awkwardness of that age in this poem, liked the surprise ending.

Maude Lynn said...

Congratulations, Laurie! That's awesome!

Anonymous said...

Florida coast here, but that sure brings back those surffin' daze!

Vandana Sharma said...

Yes, sometimes in love we do have such insecurities, but love always win:)

Sheilagh Lee said...

sometimes we can be very grateful of the knowledge you get as you get older. I wouldn't want to go back either unless I could keep all that knowledge I had.

Helen said...

Insecure ... you? Never.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

LAURIE!!!!! Congratulations on your book being published by a publisher! Wowzers! Cant wait to order my copy! I resonated so much with this poem, as I always felt the same, especially as I seemed attracted to emotionally unavailable men. I totally related to this poem.

Mary said...

Ah those teen-aged insecurities!! (And these were the good old days? LOL)

alan1704 said...

Brilliant news with the book, very exciting. And this poem is just bring back long lost memories.

Peggy said...

Oh yes, those awkward times of exploration. I am so glad I am not that age any more. Excellent prompt Laurie.

Buddah Moskowitz said...

Congratulations! You deserve a book deal. Love the desperate longing in this poem. Great!

Sarav said...

Congratulations Laurie!! That is super exciting, about the book :-) As much as I love the beach, it's always tempered with the insecurity of the bathing suit!

Anand S Unni said...

Lovely poem portraying the insecurities that a lover face. And congos on your book. All the best wishes. keep it going. :)

Wendy Bourke said...

A book deal how exciting for you. And your poem:

"each legitimate kiss drowned
in a body surf sweep of fear"

a perfect catch of those youthful insecurities.

J Cosmo Newbery said...

The insecurity in the last stanza is heartbreaking.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Actually congratulations on both - most importantly, the book deal and also for having days like that behind!

Grace said...

Congrats Laurie ~

Those were the days, ha ~

Lisa A. Williams said...

Congratulations on your book,Laurie. I really enjoyed this poem, took me back to the "good ol days" as well.

kaykuala said...

Congrats Laurie! The years of growing up could be real fun! Nicely!


Stacy M.S. said...

ohh, this one brings back lots of college/beach memories. at that age, i think we are always fearful of 'losing.' though with time that feeling of loss becomes dramatically less significant.

i enjoy your poetry and your prompts and am now following. perhaps you could take a look at my blog, i'm sorta new to the blogging world :)

Unknown said...

Yeah Laurie on the book
Hmm summer/ beach/ memories mine mingled there too. I have a hard time not looking at the beach as anything but beautiful

Kodjo Deynoo said...

Oh these memories, when we were young and wanting love

TCPC said...

we all do battle insecurities and learn to live with them too!

Susan Lindquist said...

Oh, the insecurities of those early days ... they could even wreck a great vacation!

Exciting news about the book agreement, Laurie! have fun deciding which pieces to include in this one!

Suzy said...

Congratulations on your book. Nice poem and love your header.
Dropping by from Verse First.

Anonymous said...

Laurie, I cannot wait to read your new book! I love your style...

This take on I Remember, as well as the 3WW words, is just enough. Sort of like the night beach scene at the beginning of "Jaws," but without the icky shark parts! Very nice... Peace, Amy

Linda H. said...

You rock!

and nice poem :-)

Pratyush said...

Congratulations for the book!!

Never could decide if growing up was good. I guess I didn't grow up well :-).

A very nice poem and very accessible to everyone

Anonymous said...

congratulations, Laurie. What fabulous news, and well deserved news. Love this remembrance poem for its painful truths.