animate this:
warm temperatures,
opened windows
thoughts of first
holiday without Mom
last Easter's memories
a broken record--
basket from Nini to kids
candy, money & eggs
with seeds, not chocolate
planted-- pumpkin & squash
watered for weeks
then forgotten,
by summer
overgrown weeds
impassioned, a bee
flies in and stings
left cheek,
my reaction
an arm-waving scream
parked next to me
Prompt Inspiration--
Poetry Jam: Bees, Birds and Bunnies
PU Midweek Motif- Holidays & Holy Days
3WW: animate, impassioned, pervert
The laughs, that's my favorite part of it all too!
The opening line really gives a sense of immediacy..comforting and uncomfortable in equal the real world has the knack of reminding us perhaps?
i will be thinking about you over the holiday---the first one is hard
they all will be will make it though laurie. th epervert will get his...smiles...
Each stanza has its own message, Laurie.
Happy Easter to you.
God speaks to us in unpredictable ways! That bee is messenger and animator. You won't forget like last years seeds, no one will. And no one can take her place. I think when my Mom dies I'll finally have to grow up or at least accept finally that I too am a grownup making and keeping my own traditions. Move that car! Nini would be so proud.
Love the third stanza - very real, very relatable.
the poem reads like life itself ..... a blend of tears and laughter..and that car is also a part of life too...grrr :)
The first holiday without your mother - so poignant, Laurie. I love this beautiful poem of memory. But, in my opinion, the bee stung the wrong person!!!!! Grrrrrrr.
it's hard that first holiday without them. This poem is very eclectic like your thoughts at a time like this.Well done for displaying the emotions. As to the bee I have never understood the need for some people to laugh at others misfortune.
Hugs for Easter.
Interesting ending - it leaves me questioning more than the surface sense of loss.
This feels very painful. A lot is hurt which one can do nothing about! Great words and real emotion but very painful.
The first holidays without loved ones who have passed are difficult for sure. Treasuring the memories is really all once can do.
Very easy to take this story and somehow make it your very own. Extremely relatable and very well written!
It's like all these thoughts are buzzing through your mind when the bee flies in through the open window and stings you back to reality. When the pervert laughs, it makes for a chilling conclusion.
Nicely done.
Holidays do bring back memories as well as bitter sweet feelings.
Hi! I'm visiting via Poet's United. Tough subject but love the poem, shows how pain colors our memories and invades our present experience.
Great, this is much like a short film clip that does the rounds on Facebook and goes viral! If only you hadn't flicked at the bee!
impassioned, a bee
flies in and stings
left cheek,
my reaction
an arm-waving scream
....very nice!
Thinking of you, Laurie. I remember the first Passover without my dad. Lovely poem, cool ending.
Ouch! this should remind you of Easter holidays
Not complete without Mom on any occasion of relevance. Nicely Laurie!
There is a deep touch of sadness in the lines 'holiday without mom' truth about life with a sense of humor that relaxes the reader's mind and makes one smile ...
In geology we have a term Isostacy
everything has to balanced
the tears...the laughter
He's not a pervert - isn't that the essence of comedy, something painful happening to someone else?
A lot in this little poem. Will think of you tomorrow. Be good to you.
Such a complicated poem here, Laurie. Melancholy and loss, that 'snap out of it' sting, and the reaction of the guy in the next car. If only he could have known your thoughts and loss, surely there would have been a bit more empathy in his reaction to your anguish ...
A well-put together melange of feelings and images that sums a very personal memory of Spring, Laurie.
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