drawing me into a secret place inside
where only I existed
and nothing else mattered
except us
those eyes that shined
when looking into mine
satisfied an insatiable appetite
from the very first taste
after which nothing else mattered
Poetic Inspiration:
Poetry Jam~ Almonds
PU Mid-Week Motif~ Happiness
Robert Lee Brewer interviewed me over at Writer's Digest Poetic Asides.
smiles...its cool to find that place...to find that one that you can get lost in...and after that nothing else matters....
cool on the interview...will pop over and read it here in a bit.
Wonderful, isn't it, when one connects with that special someone and something magical happens!
sweet :)
I like how you make us privy to this intimate scene, Laurie.
Ah! Wonderful...
Ah! Wonderful...
Oh! I finally realized why so much happiness is almond shaped or flavored! Poetry Jam is getting lots of happy poems in return. Such a fine week. I needed it. And this! Wonderful almond-eye sensuality for me to imagine, an instance of tasting pure and lasting intimacy. Thank you, Laurie!
Always nice to have a little afternoon delight.
So cool about your interview. I'll read it soon.
Desire and love in the secret place of each other. A lot here and very well crafted.
Ah, sweet almond eyes to satisly and insatiable appetite! Nice.
You are absolutely right Laurie. It's all in the eyes for me too. Loved the poem!
You do 'passion poetry' so well!!!
What perfection is that first line! This poem made me smile........loved it, Laurie.
Oh to get lost in eyes like that.
the joy of being loved being the only one of someone is inexplicable... beautifully done!!
If that is mutual you can just keep sinking, never thinking, sleep so deep you're never been more awake.
true, when an insatiable appetite is satisfied, we are very happy
fear of happiness
Laurie, so excited for you!!
Hope you are having a sun filled summer feeling warm rays of contentment.
A beautiful love story here!
It will soon be 37 years of almond shaped bliss for me... beautiful thoughts here Laurie
such a beautiful connection you have here..let the happiness be there forever
good to be taken back to a good place of absorption
have a nice weekend
much love...
Lovely Laurie--those afternoon snacks.
There is no doubt about the quality of your afternoon snack...A true delight I can see!! Beautiful words to share.
Lovely poem, Laurie. A veritable feast of love that look between lovers' almond eyes!
Congrats on the interview...I will take a peek over there. This poem is a lovely tribute to a beautiful love. :-)
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