Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Frozen shoulder, here my cry

Isn't it ironic? Yes, Alanis Morissette, it is. I'm the one who always offers a warm shoulder to lean on, but now it's frozen. Yesterday I finally received a diagnosis for this shoulder pain I've had since last summer; frozen shoulder. As of right now, I won't need surgery. Physical therapy is the next step. I dread that because even a slight movement of my shoulder above the point of resistance hurts like hell. I guess I'll have to put on my big girl panties and take it... but I'm waiting until next week.


Buddah Moskowitz said...

You'll be in my prayers, you massively strong woman. Best wishes, Mosk

Linda H. said...

Does this mean you'll be giving us the cold shoulder? LOL. Sorry...you know me. Just trying to give you a little chuckle. I know you've suffered with this for a long time. Hopefully, the PT will help get you back to normal again. ~Hugs~

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Laurie, so sorry to hear about this. Yes, the physical therapy will hurt initially, but they claim the end result will be worth it.(I was too chicken to let them do what they wanted to do with my head and neck, though. It involved needles right into the spasming muscles. Umm, no thenk yew!)

I dont seem to find an email address for you, kiddo. Would you please email me at WildWoman2@shaw.ca?

teri said...

Isn't ironic... indeed. We sometimes "shoulder a burden" that leaves us impaired... giving us time for reflection- again. Wishing you well my friend.