Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A New Attitude & An Announcement

quell the hellish fire within,
burning ire laced with sin
scrutinize the lies
you tell yourself,
don't isolate
or scathe your need
for others
instead, be faithful--
burn evil thoughts,
turn toward the light

let it wave
throughout your body
Prompt Inspiration:
3WW~ faithful, isolate, scrutinize


Good News Announcement:

The cover of my first poetry collection, Upon the Blue Couch, has just been revealed. For more information, please visit my author page at Winter Goose Publishing.


Mary said...

Sometimes we really DO need to talk to ourselves & quell that fire inside which would burn us alive. And yes, the idea of turning toward the light is a good one. The Light is always there if we seek! Good one, Laurie.

Jae Rose said...

Congratulations always pays to listen and wait..then many good things come...

Brian Miller said...

there is good wisdom in this needing to confront those thoughts and not just accept them...but hold them up to the truth so they do not take root....

Eileen T O'Neill ..... said...


Love your poem, which contains thoughts I would love to have written. Those things that can eat us up and burn alive, if left to fester...Newness helps to move on!!!

Jinksy said...

And you've made the cup which we may raise to toast your pledge! :)

Susan said...

Hell lies within, it lies, it belittles. I must hang this poem in my work space as a reminder that tranquility is available when we stop hiding our Light! Thank you, Laurie.

Susan said...

PS: I am looking forward to opening the cover of my own copy of "Upon the Blue COuch"! Congratulations. I now how much effort this takes.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Great poem - and attitude - Laurie. Your book looks FANTASTIC! And it's thick - a ton of work (I know!) Bravo. I cant wait to dive into it!

Unknown said...

Darn those lies that seep in and have no truth yet they run over and over in our mind! Tranquility a great goal to reach for!

Gabriella said...

I enjoyed the energy and the attitude in your poem, Laurie! Congratulations on the cover!

alan1704 said...

yes burn the lies, destroy those thought. Love the determination to cleanse and renew.

Anonymous said...

Great poem to start the new year, Laurie!
Negative thoughts and thinking ruin many a life, it seems.
Tranquility base reigns in your words!

Unknown said...

How did I miss the announcement on my first visit? Congratulations!! The cover makes me want to read more!

annell4 said...

the first two lines got me right into it! And there was no let up until the very last word!

Sheilagh Lee said...

Very inspiring you need to listen tot he good inner voice

Peggy said...

Excellent self advice! And congratulations on your new book! I'm off to visit your author page!

Mary Ann Potter said...

Peace is often hard-fought. Your poem speaks so wisely.

Kathryn Dyche said...

There are times when we need to ignite the fire and times when to quench it. The trick is knowing when to do which.

Anonymous said...

congratulations, Laurie, on the new book.

wise words, in your pen ~

Brandee Shafer said...

This is, for me, very timely. Been a bit angry, lately.

Kenia Santos said...

This is truly light, refreshing advice to start over.

Beautifully written. <3

ds said...

Make the fire work for you. Excellent advice (and I like the way the poem seems to be shaped like a candlestick). Congratulations on your book!

Old Egg said...

Tranquility, so difficult to achieve but such a comfort if we find it. The cover on your new book looks great.

Lady In Read said...

congratulations on the cover reveal :)
the lies we tell ourselves - oh yes, need to watch out for them

kaykuala said...

Congrats on your poetry book Laurie!It puts a finality to the many hours spent in blogosphere! A satisfaction and an achievement!


Karen said...

Love the concrete form of this...a candlestick?

Congratulations on your book!

J Cosmo Newbery said...

"scrutinize the lies you tell yourself"

God, I have enough trouble with the lies others tell me!

Marie Elena said...

Congrats on your publication, Laurie! Loving the new look here, and the wisdom of this piece. Wow...

Scarlet said...

I like the wave of tranquility ~ Congrats on the new book Laurie ~

Myrna R. said...

This is excellent advice for a healthy attitude.
Congrats on your book. How exciting.

Helen said...

... 'the fire within' ~~ good or evil, depends on how we use it. This is a fine poem, Laurie!

Maniparna said...

We should definitely burn all the evil thoughts for a better tomorrow. To begin things all in a new way. Nice words..loved the poem :-)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that things are going well with the book. Great job.

S.E.Ingraham said...

This is wonderful Laurie...a great start to the New Year. I too am glad your book is coming along well. Hope your Mom is doing okay? You cross my thoughts very often...

Thanks for visiting my blog and "visiting" NYC -- I agree, it really is the most incredible city.

Susan Lindquist said...

Yes! turn toward the light ... let it fan tranquility ... words for me to live by ... this is a powerful positive mantra to hold close, Laurie!

Published? Huzzah!

Stacy M.S. said...

to find more tranquility in one's life...i think that would be a lovely new years resolution!

stacy lynn mar

steveroni said...

LOVE the colors/cover image of your forthcoming book, Laurie.

Be proud. You have reason!

Anonymous said...

Hey very nice blog!!
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Anonymous said...

Internal conversation can truly help, if only we have the patience.
Congratulations on the book. Wonderful news!

TCPC said...

Positive wishes for the new year begins with the self! Congo! on the book!

Pealogic said...

Isn't it interesting that so often we equate die with cleansing. Great writing.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

To confront what evil lies within, if only it were that simple to face it, like the way your words flowed... beautifully.

All the very best for your book. :)

Intelliblog said...

Like others, "burn evil thoughts" resonated with me :-)

aspiritofsimplicity said...

i like this very much you drew me in with like that you're nothing and then you settled me down with the last stanza

Abruvanamedsly said...

don't isolate
or scathe your need
for others

...I used to do this for the longest time, but not the optimism in your words.

Anonymous said...

a great prayer, affirmation....

Sarav said...

So beautifully worded! Your talent is glowing throughout :-)