Thursday, November 12, 2009

Out of the Woodworks

They say the holidays bring people out of the woodworks, usually to the churches. But all kinds of things (can't think of a better word) come out from everywhere during this season. Especially thieves.

A dear friend of mine went to Wal-Mart yesterday at 2:00 in the afternoon, mind you, and was accosted by a handsome white man at her car. He knocked on her window and started asking for money, then proceeded to make an attempt to open her car door. He told her he meant no harm and didn't have a gun, but that he was from out of town and his aunt's child was in the hospital here. He claims they did not have money to pay. My friend was able to get away unscathed (except emotionally distraught). She then followed the man in her car and watched him try the same thing on several other ladies.

When the store manager was brought in, they were not very eager to be of help, which was very aggravating to my friend. They said their security was only out after dark until 3:00 a.m., but if I seem to recall many robbery and mugging attempts have occurred in the daytime.

So as you begin your holiday shopping, prepare yourself. Buy a can of mace, or go with another person. Never talk to anyone and try to park close to the front, or a light after dark.


Jeni said...

Wow! That's s great story to share..... This should be one of those emails that go around! Looks don't matter! Thanks for sharing...

Holli said...

Wow! That's scary. You're right, the holidays do bring some scary people out of the woodworks. I've seen many people scammed over the holidays by people like this man. It's a great warning for the community. You should write something and submit it to the Opinions editor at the Enterprise. (Thomas Taschinger)