Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Cheery Cherry Thought

Beware thoughts that come in the night
of homemade cherry pie ice cream delight
from the darkened void a brief respite;
these cravings camouflage unspoken fright.

@laurie kolp

Prompt inspiration~ Poetry Jam: picture & Carry On Tuesday: “Beware thoughts that come in the night,” (opening lines of William Least Heat-Moon’s novel Blue Highways)


Anonymous said...

Comfort food as midnight snacks...did you know my Mother in law?


Nice one.

Jess PJ said...

Midnight snacks. So dangerous, and somehow even more delicious because you know you shouldn't!

Anonymous said...

Oh yum ... a forbidden delight makes for more fright -- at least on a diet night!

izzy said...

We maybe on a similar vein with this !
love your pie analogy, thanks!

Henry Clemmons said...

You are as smooth as the finest French dessert. I love reading your words!

Brian Miller said...

oh but cherry pie would be so good...much better than what is hiding in my closet, or under my bed...or what walks in my mind...

Laurie Kolp said...

Thanks... I'd much prefer anything caramel. It oozes through my mind.

Helen said...

I don't need the middle of the night to go for the dessert ... my biggest weakness. Nice piece!

gsb3 said...

This poem made me laugh! :) Love the twist of the cherry pie. Unique and refreshing. I am a veteran bedtime dessert felon. Guilty! :)

Enchanted Oak said...

Thank you for the laugh! Your midnight delight sounds more scrumptious than my night thoughts of ciabatta bread oozing garlic butter.

Pete Goulding said...

Very amusing but great truth nonetheless!

Titus said...

Knock-out! Poe and pudding.

Mary said...

Delicious poetry, Laurie!