Painting by Jinksy |
What do you see when you look at this painting? An autumn harvest of corn waiting to be picked and shucked just in time for the hoedown next Friday night? Fresh summer squash in the vegetable aisle begging for a healthy homemade meal? A field of daffodils or tulips daring you to touch them lest you upset nature's beauty? Rapeseed to be made into oils, but you best beware of their poisonous betrayal? The bright sun rising into the morning sky as you lie in the sand and observe?
How about cooling refreshment prepared with love at the lemonade stand where your child sits? After a thirst-quenching gulp of the best drink you've ever had, your lips pucker up from the tang. Someone calls you
fish face and sets the ball rolling. Fits of laughter can be heard across the busy street as you pull up a lawn chair and join the summer fun.
That's what I see when I look at the picture. For more perspectives, check out
Alias Jinksy's Tandem.
Yes, all these ideas. It always fascinates me how differently people see things. I like the way you have put them all together...a panorama. And I love your header with the cardinals. I adore them in my yard as well, especially now when he calls his 'pretty, pretty, pretty".What a lover.
Thanks, Ann.
I loved your take on the picture. Anything ending with fits of laughter has to be good! :-)
amber waves of grain?
hehehe! Love the variations you came up with!
But it's a good job I don't mind your crediting my painting to Elizabeth though, isn't it? *smiles*
Cute - this would make a great writing exercise!
how lovely to read you thoughts on this painting full of so much life. I see a busy city in the background as I'm sitting in a field of hay miles away in the country.....
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