Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Collect Call from Mars

image: epic mahoney

from the sky
an iridescent phone booth's
alluring aura

a magnetic coax
neon lit charismatic charm
drew the curious man

the inner depths
gateway to a cosmic land
to enter; risky

@laurie kolp

Prompt inspiration: The Mag 105


Jim Calcutt said...

Very nice, Laurie!

Mimi Foxmorton said...

And what is inside..........?

More, please.


JJ Roa Rodriguez said...

Giving me something to imagine of what is inside... Something wonderful i know...


Herotomost said...

How cool is that photo.....and how creative is that take on it. Risky plus mysterious makes for a wonderful adventure sometimes. Very cool.

Laurie Kolp said...

I originally only had the first haiku, but added the second and third... what do you think?

Helen said...

Love this ... beam me up!!!

Helena said...

I think I'd take the chance.....I'm a sucker for neon!

Brian Miller said...

life is a risk though isnt it? smiles...sounds like quite the adventure....

Jinksy said...

Sci-fi rules, OK?

Karen said...

Beam me up Scottie! I like the trio.

zongrik said...

great si fi

meditation station

Anonymous said...

Love this, Laurie! I was also very intriqued by the lavender glow. Really enjoyed the way you described it:

"an iridescent phone booth's
alluring aura

a magnetic coax
neon lit charismatic charm"


Unknown said...

All three work well together. I like how the haiku's share a linked story. Risky business for sure. Thank you for sharing, Laurie.

Unknown said...

Eerie, in a Twilight Zone kind of way!

Mary said...

Risky indeed, but in life sometimes one MUST take risks.

Unknown said...

Dr. Who would love this!

Manicddaily said...

Very cute--there is definitely that Martian quality. K.

Tumblewords: said...

Time never knows. :) I like this.

Dave King said...

For me this works equally well as three individual haiku or a poem of three verses.

Mimi Foxmorton said...

I'd DEFINITELY take a chance!

Lyn said...

I'm glad he took the chance...Jupiter and beyond?? Great..

Trellissimo said...

Lead me to a cosmic land! :)

izzy said...

Yeah they were never lit up like that huh? a bit of a spaceship there!

Other Mary said...

Oh let's risk it! Love this Laurie!

RD said...

so do we answer or not?...ET-esque

phone home


Wayne Pitchko said...

this is a good one Laurie...thanks for sharing

Doctor FTSE said...

It might have been a wrong number . . just a thought.

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Risky indeed! Fine words!

Anna :o]

Little Nell said...

You can feel how hard it is for him to resist. I like ‘alluring aura’ and the three haiku together work really well, with just a that little question mark hanging - whether he took the risk or not.

Carrie Van Horn said...

Like your Si Fi take on the photo Laurie....awesome! :-)

Mary B. Mansfield said...

I think I'd be answering that call!

Mystic_Mom said...

Very cool take on the photo prompt...I love your words!

Arian Tejano said...

thanks for this lovely reminder. ;)

Tess Kincaid said...

Yes, magnetic coax, indeed...