Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Coincidentally, more chocolate...

Unaware that I wrote about the candy from Germany and shared it on my blog, Pete comes home this afternoon bearing... more chocolate from overseas. This time it is from a coworker who has no idea about the blog thing. He is from Turkey and just came back from visiting. While in the Istanbul airport, he picked up some Swiss chocolate for us. He also brought us this small souvenir, which when translated means "What makes the flag is the blood on top of it. What makes the country is the willingness to die for it." Notice how my silly child/husband put bite marks in the bottom left corner.


Sylvia Ney said...

Lucky you. Don't OD on the chocolate. I would be willing to sacrifice my tastebuds if you just can't eat it all! ;-)

Jeni said...

Wow.... that is so sweet, cool and thoughtful! What wonderful people you are surrounding yourself with. I feel the same. Very blessed! all the time!