Saturday, May 14, 2011

Writer's Island: Superstition

State of Fate

a ripple effect
choices made

highways travelled
detours taken
battles fought
morals shaken

fences mended
words unspoken
faith shattered
vows broken

loving life
ignoring hate
accepting, forgiving--
the state of fate.

@laurie kolp

Writer's Island


vivinfrance said...

In other words fate's in a muddle. Good take on the prompt.

Laurie Kolp said...

You crack me up, Viv... thanks.

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Excellent take.

Anna :o]

Linda H. said...

Love the last stanza, Laurie.

flaubert said...

Nicely done to prompt Laurie. I too, love the last stanza.


Anonymous said...

fluent word flow.

anthonynorth said...

Perfectly described. Enjoyed that.

Andy Sewina said...

Love the poem, the first verse is a stroke of genius!

Mary said...

Excellent. I am not a superstitious person, don't know what to make of fate.

Madeleine Begun Kane said...

That's a really good take on that prompt.

Dave King said...

Accomplished and compelling. Excellently done.