Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Guarantee

"Cherish all the memories;
they guarantee life's immortality."

Father David's words of wisdom
after my friend took her life
on that day three years ago

nausea drove me to the church
where magical things occurred-
blessings never to be forgotten.

(You can read about this in my story, Signs of David found in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Devotional Stories for Tough Times - to be released Oct. 4, 2011)

@laurie kolp

Prompt inspiration: 3WW (cherish, guarantee, nausea)


Unknown said...

wow! You are published in Chicken Soup! Cool!

Bethe77 said...

I will have to go chicken out chicken soup when I get home. That is sad you lost your friend. But God does do magical things through our grief.
Many Blessings

kaykuala said...

To be in Chicken Soup is a big thing. Can't wait to see it!


Laurie Kolp said...

Thanks... I'm so excited. = )

My copies were waiting on my front porch this morning... they don't officially come out until Oct. 5.

Nanka said...

Very inspirational!!...and Congratulations for the book release in which your story features!!

Ed Pilolla said...

congratulations, though i'm very sorry about your loss.
what struck me in the piece are the magic things that occurred. you have successfully piqued my interest and i eagerly await the full read.

RMP said...

you worked magic with those three words...quite a beautiful and touching poem.

Mary said...

I haven't written to this prompt yet (I will - stay tuned), but just have to say that it is so sad when someone takes his/her own life. It must have been horrible when your friend took her life. It was awful for me when my good friend (you are a 'friend' of hers) had a son who took his life. Congrats to you for having a story printed in a "Chicken Soup..." book!

Laurie Kolp said...

It was a very difficult time for me. I will never forget it.

Daydreamertoo said...

I don't think you can ever forget it when you know the person.
Congratulations on being published in Chicken soup!

Sheilagh Lee said...

congratulations on your publication