Nancy, at Voice Over nominated me for this gracious award.
The rules of the Honest Scrap Award are to reveal Eight Honest Things about yourself. Here is what I came up with:
1. When I was a little girl, whenever we went to visit my grandparents in San Antonio, the very first thing I would do when I arrived was get the Pledge out, smell the clean fresh scent and dust their furniture. I loved to dust Nonna and Pawpaw's baby grand piano and other antiques, even though they were already spotless. Ironically, now I hate to dust and would give anything to have someone come and dust my furniture!
2. My nickname was "Goldilocks" when I was little. Then, when I began experiencing the vertigo, my Uncle Bill, who was a pediatrician nicknamed me "Dizzy Blond." I would much rather be Goldilocks!
3. I graduated from Kelly High School with honors and was on the Literary Magazine publishing committee. I loved to write even then. Upon graduation, I got a nursing scholarship to Lamar and went there for a year, but wanted to get away from home, so transferred to Texas A&M. Unfortunately, A&M did not have a nursing program then, so I chose to become a teacher, and graduated, again, with honors. Sometimes I wish I had become a nurse.
4. I student taught in The Woodlands during the fall semester and became a full-fledged teacher by Halloween- before I even graduated in December. I proceeded to teach second grade for six years and then became the district dyslexia specialist for Lumberton ISD for another six years. I thought it was the seven-year-itch! I guess for me, it's six years!
5. I love to run. I would much rather run than walk (walking takes too long). Being outside is therapeutic for me- I feel so close to God when I am outside exercising.
6. Pete (my husband of eleven years) and I had our first date on my thirtieth birthday. We were married the next year and had Katie the following year after that. Then we had Andrew and Nicholas soon after. When Nick was born, I had three children under the age of four.
7. I am shy and quiet, which is one of the reasons I love to write. I am also very sensitive and sentimental. I used to be a people-pleaser, but thanks to a friend named Beth, I now have BALLS (and boy do they feel good).
8. Last, but not least, I am living each day to the fullest, enjoying the present as I pursue my life-long dream of writing. I have a contract with a book out this October ("Christmas Miracles") and have been published elsewhere. Life is good and I am grateful for all of you!
Now, to pass this award on, I'd like to nominate Jeni, Susan and Holli. Keep writing, my friends!
1 comment:
1. i love my life today! 2. i miss my sister more than anything in the world but am sure she is still with me and we will be together again someday. 3. I have been with Chad 15 years as of July 8th, 2009. 4. My cat was born on the day I stopped drinking 7/1/04. 5. I love what I do and it shows it. 6.If I died today, I would die a happy soul. 7. I don't have all that I want, but have more than I need. 8. I bellieve EVERYTHING happens for a reason & there ARE NO coincidences.
Thanks for making me think of those things & nominating me.
Love you Laurie
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